
Here's just a small sampling of the work I have done over the years.

Hallway Table

Finished in my last year of mentoring with Gary Rogowski. This piece took me out of my comfort zone and really stretch my design and building capabilities. Made with Oregon black walnut with maple accents and drawers.


Custom Tables

Custom bar height and regular height tables made for SawStop. The company ordered these tables for their many conferences they attend and showcase at. It was a very short time to get designed and made and during an extreme heat wave in Oregon. Made from Maple.



I have made boxes. Watch boxes, knick knack boxes, jewelry boxes, boxes that hold nothing and boxes that hold tools. Boxes are one of the most versatile things to be made. They can be large or small. These particular boxes are small, one of maple and the other red elm.

Mirror mirror on the wall

These mirrors reflect a lot more than just what you see. One I did at the beginning of schooling, and the other after I was done and had a newborn along with 3 other small children. They do adorn my wall and remind me of all I learned and grew from. Made of Canary wood with Basswood carvings and ebony plugs.