Summer is in full swing
World’s smallest registered in city park :)
Oh my goodness, can we say that summer has officially hit? Maybe. The weather still seems to think that it is spring with the cool temps and the rain. I am not complaining though. I love the coolness and the smell of rain. Though my kids wish for hot sweaty temperatures, I am grateful I am not sweating in my shop.
Since school let out I have been doing vacation, cousin coming live with us for a few weeks, and then getting us used to being together all day everyday. There are outings of course, but that is not something I love to do everyday. So my kids are learning, again, how to be best friends. It’s a struggle some days, and others are just peaceful. There have also been days of tv binging and non stop computer and video games. Mostly the days I just need a bit of a break or uninterrupted shop time. Like getting my lamps finally completed!
These babies have been in the works for longer than I wish they would have been, but being a full time mom means that other things (and people) take priority some days. So when I finally got enough done on them that I really just needed a full day to get things wrapped up and done, I turned on all the devices and my kids vegged. I don’t regret it at all. haha. And my kids loved it too ;) .
Now that these lamps are done and up out of the way waiting for their future homes, it’s time to start going on my next project. I have decided that in order to build my portfolio, I needed to keep building furniture. I cannot just build anything and hope it sells. I don’t have the room for that and I don’t want to just build any furniture on a whim. So I am moving onto my master bedroom. My husband and I have a fairly large room and do not utilize the space. In fact we have lived in our home for 5 years and I still haven’t put pictures on the walls because I don’t like the color or my bed. Our bed is an IKEA bed and has been wonderful. It was affordable to 2 very broke newlyweds. But I have always known it was not what I wanted forever. Well now is the time to change that. In addition to a new bed, I will be making some cabinets and chests for our room. It seems that in order to have a larger Master bedroom, the builders excluded a linens closet. So the linens live in my closet. It’s a bit annoying. So changes are coming and designs are coming. I am excited about it all and I also know that it will take me time. I’m hoping to put down a realistic timeline for myself so that this doesn’t turn into the never ending project.
The Beginnings
Hello there.
Welcome to my blog. I haven’t done this in years, so it may be a bit rocky. But I hope to be able to write a few things here and there about my journey. Maybe some tips, maybe some real life moments of being a mom of 4 wonderful kids, a wife to a husband currently pursuing his Masters in Mechanical Engineering and wanting to also woodwork.
Some days are smoother, some days I don’t even make it to the shop. My family is my first priority but they are also learning (my kids that is) that I am not only a mom. I have 3 daughters and I feel like it does them a disservice if we tell them to pursue their dreams if I loose mine in motherhood. I love being a mom, but I also need to have other pursuits in my life, because I’m not always going to have the sound of little feet in the halls and little hands to guide. Maybe my hands can guide their hands into being woodworkers? A mom can dream right?
The farther I have gotten into woodworking, the more I see how much there is to learn and that is exciting. I love to think that there isn’t an end to the learning journey in this field. I love that I get to work with my hands and create something out of a tree.
So this will be the beginning of the future writings of a Mom who also woodworks.